From: William Horton-Anderson Date: April 1, 2020 Subject: MBA April Newsletter
Full-Time MBA Program
April 2020
MBAA President Statement
It’s been really interesting thinking about what I should say to all of you as we are transitioning. I say transition because we just came from a place of normalcy, we are now in what a lot of people have dubbed "a new normal", and here we all are waiting to get back or enter into an entirely different normal than what we have ever known. For us, graduate students, having online classes have created new complexities and have challenged us to be more flexible and adaptable than ever before. The challenges created by the pandemic are not just our own, they are challenges for our family members too. I hear quite often that parents are calling and checking in daily to see if we’re all OK. Not to make anyone feel small, but I think the kids are all right.. Read more from the MBAA President here.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
It is estimated by the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) that every 73 seconds an American is sexually assaulted. Furthermore, every 9 minutes that victim is a child. The most startling statistic yet is that only 5 out of every 1,000 perpetrators end up in prison. These statistics are the reason why April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Read more, including a piece by Abigial Swanson here.
It's Okay to Laugh
There is no doubt that we are facing unprecedented times as a Spartan community. Social distancing is not something that any of us are used to, and as time goes on it is important that we remember one thing in the midst of all of the disruption to our normal routines. We must all remember that it is ok to take a moment and laugh. Laughter can make you forget about everything else that is going on and feel the relief that comes with a great big smile, or the fun of a great belly laugh. Read more from David Galant here!
A way to lighten the load and help re-frame our minds is to use our sense of humor and conveniently April is National Humor Month! Life is going to try to do what it can to slow you down, but smiling and laughing your way through the pain signals to our body that the stressor is actually “enjoyable” - thereby eliminating the stress, we are holding in our bodies. In addition, laughter isn’t good for just a quick pick me up, it has been proven to improve immunity and relieve pain in the long term. Read more from Kelsey Haines here!
MBA Updates
To help reduce the email updates, Wayne Hutchison has created a Microsoft Sharepoint to gather all your important resources for questions. You will find it here or on the homepage of CampusGroups.